UCD Musical Society – Legally Blonde

Monday 15th – Saturday 20th February 2016
7:30pm each night & 2pm Matinee on Saturday

O’Reilly Hall, University College Dublin

UCD Musical Society

Ticket Prices:
Tuesday to Saturday Nights – €20 Adults, €15 Students/Concession
Monday Night and Saturday Matinee – €15 Adults, €10 Students/Concession

Purchase Tickets

[stripe name=”UCD Musical Society” description=”Legally Blonde February 2016″ image_url=”https://www.entspay.com/wp-content/uploads/MusicalSocLogo1.jpg” currency=”eur” payment_button_label=”Purchase Ticket(s)” billing=”true” success_redirect_url=”https://www.entspay.com/legallyblondesuccessful/” failure_redirect_url=””]

If you wish to purchase a combination of different ticket types, you will need to purchase each type separately.

[stripe_dropdown id=”number_of_tickets” label=”How many tickets would you like to buy?” options=”1,2,3,4,5,6″ is_quantity=”true”]

If you have a valid University ID card, you can simply use this as your ticket by selecting the ID type and entering your Student/Staff ID number below. You can then just present your University ID card at the entrance, no paper ticket required.

[stripe_text id=”id_number” label=”Student/Staff Number”]

By clicking the button below, you are confirming to us that you have read and agree with our Terms and Conditions of Payment.
