UCD Badminton Club Membership 2020/2021

UCD Badminton Club

The UCD Badminton Club is organised through the college and is run by a committee of full-time UCD students. In normal times, we enter several teams into the Dublin & District leagues each year Hopefully the process for team selection and training will begin in mid-semester 1 – having been delayed due to Covid-19.

We also have social badminton for those who want to play, but don’t wish to compete. The exact booking process for a slot to play at Socials will be confirmed in the coming weeks. Don’t worry if you haven’t played before, there are players of all levels, and the main thing is you enjoy it and have a bit fun. Previous social events (either pre- or post- the badminton!) have included our now Annual Karaoke Night and an internal Socials Tournament – along with plenty of trips to The Clubhouse of course! While we usually have a selection of club rackets for casual use, the current restrictions make this impossible – thus every player must bring their own racket. Affordable rackets are easily available in Decathlon, Lifestyle or Elvery Sports, or on special in Aldi/Lidl.

Badminton takes place in UCD on Tuesdays (8-10.30pm), Wednesdays (5.00-7.00pm) and Thursday (8.30-10.30pm). As with everything, we are having to remain flexible in scheduling for the moment, so which of those days social badminton and team training will be on is unconfirmed at the moment.

If you’ve any queries you can contact us by e-mail badminton@ucd.ie, or at the Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/UCD-Badminton-Club-179946068687911)


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